Friday, April 20, 2007

In Spring, when a young woman's thoughts turns to HOLY CRAP WE'RE BUSY

Things have changed. We've been getting emails every day and lots of new customers for weddings in July and August. Plenty of custom design requests too.

Also, we've begun working with Trampoline Design, a couple of fantastic graphic designers here in our fair city. We'd like to thank them for looking us up.


ADK_Chamber said...

Thanks for the nod to a great ARCC member organization.

trampoline design said...

Dear Kate & Dan,

Thanks for the shout out.

We're thrilled with the Bedlam note cards and can't wait for the client to see them. We're excited to get more great work from Crooked Spoke.

If you're interested, there are some photos of Bedlam Farm on my wife's blog:

Keep on pressin'
